Did you know, sex makes you smarter?

You can’t be more intelligent but you can definitely be wiser. Regular sex makes you wiser. Sex is good nutrition for your brain. Sex activates brain cells and that makes you wiser.
Everybody has heard the physical benefits of sex. It has significant psychological benefits, too. The main psychological benefit of sex is, that sex reduces mental stress more than any drug can. We can think better in a relaxed way. Positive effects of frequent sex make us wiser.
Sex changes the chemistry of the brain in many ways. Several studies show that sex enhances the cognitive capacity. One study suggests that sex improves analytical thoughts.
Scientists made an experiment on rats that were exposed to a sexually-receptive female for 14 consecutive days. They find frequent “sexual experience increased circulating corticosterone levels and the number of new neurons in the hippocampus”.In another word, sex made them more clever. But rats lost the improvement of brain function after they did not have sex
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Orgasm activates all parts of the brain. Increased blood circulation conveys more nutrition and oxygen to brain cells.
Solving puzzles and games have limited effects on brain cells. On the other hand, Sex has extensive effects on the brain and researches show, sex helps to remember words.
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Sex triggers the secretion of many useful hormones. Dopamine helps psychological function like memory and thinking capacity.
Endorfiner is like the morphine of the body which reduces stress.
Oxytocin hormone makes us compassionate and feels empathy for others.
Orgasm releases a Prolactin hormone that helps to feel relaxed and has good sleep.
Sex is like a portion of nutritious food to our body and brain. The more sex you have, the wiser you become. Sex removes a number of negative factors that make you feel less worthy. Good sex boosts your confidence and self-worth,
As humans, we need intimacy and love. We need self-respect and recognition. Regular sex helps you to become motivated, optimistic and feel respected. When your basic psychological needs are fulfilled, you can be a better, happier and wiser person.
If you think your brain is not working well, just have some sex. That will stimulate your brain.