Dont worry about premature ejaculation, just enjoy sex

Not just us, our ancestors also were not satisfied with their sexual stamina. They hunted rare kinds of deer for Kasturi (musk) that they used to prolong sex.
In my boyhood in India, I saw people buying different kinds of plant roots from snake charmers for the use of prolonging sex.
People in China still use tiger bones to enhance their sexual stamina. They import illegally rhino horns from Africa and use its power to make sex last longer.
We all know, all those are bullshits. But some people are desperate to make sex last long by any means.
Many people in modern times are still obsessed with sex myths. There are tales of sex that lasts all night long. There are porn videos that show some celebrities have sex with their female partners for hours but still do not ejaculate while their partners get multiple orgasms.
The great Mughal emperor Akbar had 5000 concubines in his Harem and he never got tired of sex with them. He had some secret recipe to possess enormous sex power.
There was a similar tale about Gaddafi, too. It was later found that he could not have a hard penis without viagra.
Do we really need to last long? Let us look at the facts.
Studies find many men get orgasms within a couple of minutes of commencing intercourse. But the summary of many studies finds that a median time is 5/6 minutes.
It does not help to calculate the time duration of sex. If you use a stopwatch, you just be stressed. It will cause that you will either do not erection or get quick ejaculation.
If a man can hold an orgasm for hours, he is sick, unable to get ejaculation. He does not satisfy a woman, he just tortures her. The premature orgasm is in fact much better than not having an orgasm.
Many people who are worried about their sexual stamina, have a misunderstanding that quick ejaculation reflects poor health, in fact, it is quite opposite.
To get an instant erection is a sign of a good health. Premature ejaculation is not a sign of bad health either.
I remember, as a boy, I used to have constant erections without any reason. I had an erection when I swam; I got an erection when I rode a bicycle. When I woke up from sleep, I found the penis erected. Sometimes I got ejaculation only by hugging and kissing a girl.
Sometimes, men can reach orgasm only by touching the penis without being undressed. It can happen if you have not had sex for a long time.
These kinds of problems are very common at the early age but it can also happen in your matured age.
If you don’t have regular sex and you watch porn instead, sexual stamina may deteriorate. In the worst case, you may get ejaculation before penetration. If you do not get a sex partner, stopping masturbation is not a good idea. That makes the problem only worse.
In most of the cases, the problem of premature ejaculation is a temporary state. It does not need any treatment. The solution is to find a sex partner. If you make love regular basis without having a worry, you will have good sexual stamina.
I did not have sex for a long time before my wedding. The day I married, I knew that I might have a very early orgasm when I would sexual intercourse. To avoid the problem, I masturbated before making love and it helped.
I was frank to talk to my wife about sexual matters. That made thing much easier.