Frequent sex boosts men’s fertility and enhances longevity

Frequent sex is necessary for a high sperm count. The quality sperm is not only an important factor in men’s fertility but it also makes men live long.
Many people in Western countries are having a fertility problem which is caused by bad sperm quality.
The sperm quality is defined on the basis of perm cells per milliliter. Normally 40 million sperm cells per milliliter are considered as high sperm quality and less than 25 million sperm cells per milliliter are considered as low sperm quality.
To have good sperm quality, you need to have ejaculation often. If you don’t have a sex partner, then masturbation is a good alternative.
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Several pieces of research reveal that less frequent sex is one of the determining factors for sperm quality. If men don’t have regulars sex the quality of sperm becomes low.
More and more European men are living lonely. They don’t get enough sex. That can explain why men are increasingly having a fertility problem.
Without regular ejaculation, old and unhealthy sperm cells are stuck in testicles. Regular sex helps remove them and fill up with healthy sperm cells
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Several surveys show that sexually active people live healthier and longer than lonely people. Researchers are still puzzling to find out the connection between high sperm quality and living longer is social or biological. Testosterone could be the reason for good health.
The sperm quality has a direct relationship with testosterone levels. The high sperm quality means high testosterone level and vice versa. If the hypothesis is true that testosterone can help a longer life then good sperm quality also is also the reason for long life.
Testosterone is a very necessary hormone for men. It helps build muscles and gives men energy. A good level of testosterone makes a man healthy.
Sex boosts the immune system. It also has positive psychological effects. Sex and sound health are directly related.
Sex helps like good medicine for many kinds of sickness. The more you get sex, the more you are likely to live.