Indian’s penis size is fine: Women are pleased

Indian men have sexually satisfied their women for thousands of years. They have pleased their women more than other parts of the world. India has consistently ranked as the most sexually satisfied countries in the world. Indian women, therefore, adore their husbands.
The size of the Indians penis is not the biggest but that has not been any problem for Indian women. The size of a penis is genetically determined. The size does not depend on body size and structure. But geographical origin may have a relation with genital size. In the Indian subcontinent, the penis size is not big.
However, the penis size has not been any for Indian females. Indian males are generally more concerned than their female partners about the penis size. Some gynecological studies indicate, that more than 90% of Indian women have no complaint about the penis size of their sexual partners.
Indian males are more worried than Western men about the penis size. They start measuring their penis from their childhood. The majority of Indian men do not seem to be satisfied with their genitals sizes. For some unspecified psychological reasons, they consider their penises small. Many people measure and look at their penis again and again and become more depressed about the size.
They compare their own sizes with some porno stars and become depressed. Although women are quite pleased with their partner’s genital size, men are not.
There are surveys among Indian males about the size. The condom maker Durex says that the penises of South Asian people are the smallest. That includes Indians. According to the condom producer, the average penis size of an Indian male is between 3.6 and 4.1 inches. This kind of information makes Indian males nervous.
Read here: Korean men have a smaller penis than Indians
There must be something seriously wrong with the survey. The size of Indian men is not the world’s largest but that is not so small either as the condom producer has stated. Very few people can have this small size but this is by no means the average size.
Here is the map of the penis size world that Durex has made:

It is difficult to get reliable data about the penis size of the Indian people. They do not feel free to talk about the sizes of their genitals.
Dr. Vijaysarathi Ramanathan, a well-known urologist in cooperation SSS Health center, has surveyed 1670 men. He finds, the average length erect penis is 5.54 inches and 3.11 inches girth. Still, we do not know if the result is reliable.
There is also a problem here. The measurement of the girth does not seem realistic. An average penis is not that thin.
India has a vast population. That’s why it is necessary to use huge numbers of samples. In my opinion, at least 100K people should be interviewed for this kind of survey.
Read here: Indians are not having enough sex.
The most credible information can be found in a research article titled “ Penile length and circumference: an Indian study” published in the International Journal of Impotence Research. According to this study, the average length of the erected penis was found to be 5.12 inch and erected circumference was 4.51 inches. It seems real to me. This penis size is perfectly capable of good sex.
The physical structures of women from different geographic regions are different. But it has no relation to female genitals.
Young boys are in many cases confused when they hear about the legendary size of penis sizes. Those stories are myth and sizes are often exaggerated.
In many magazines, there are pages for sex-related questions. People write about their problems and ask for advice.
I have read many letters about sexological questions in different sex magazines. Most of them say they have a 5/6 inch penis. We have not heard much about 3.6 inches penis as Durex survey finds
The survey of the condom producer has not followed any scientific methodology. The survey is unreliable.
Tip: You can in a natural way enlarge the penis a little bit. Those products cannot perform a miracle but can increase the level of testosterone. Those are best reviewed related products:
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