Most of the men ejaculate within a couple of minutes. There are few men in the world who did not..
People have been asking the question for decades if porn is good or bad for sex. The question has led..
If you have a small penis, you can compensate for the size using some Kama sutra positions. Among Kama Sutra..
Frequent sex is necessary for a high sperm count. The quality sperm is not only an important factor in men’s..
The average penis size of Japanese males is 13.56 centimeters (5.3 inches) in length and 3.53cm at the head and..
At least 90 million American snores occasionally, 30% of people aged over 30 are regular snorers according to the survey..
Natural potency-enhancing products are often called “herbal Viagra” – suggesting that they contain a safer or more natural form of Viagra…
The lifestyle of Salman Khan keeps him look good but that is not good for sexual health. Excessive physical training..
During a workout your penis shrinks; it remains small for some minutes after exercise. You cannot avoid noticing that. You..
If “vaginal orgasm” exists, the penis size does matter. Doctors can transplant most of the organs, even penises but they..