Porn is not necessarily bad

People have been asking the question for decades if porn is good or bad for sex. The question has led to clashing opinions. Some people have the idea that porn kills the pleasure of soft sex. Others think that porn actually enhances the pleasure of sex.
It is not only the general people who have different opinions, but scientists also are divided in opinion about porn.
Some scientists believe that men don’t get less pleasure in normal sex despite a large consumption of porn In fact, the habit of watching porn gives more pleasure- a study reveals.
Men who watch very much porno don’t become so addicted that they don’t get horny in normal sex.
One American study finds that much negative propaganda against porn is not true. The study shows, men watch a lot of porn enjoy sex more.
Researchers used a sample of 280 men who were shown videos with very normal sex. They reported that they had pretty good arousals. Those men used to watch porn also home.
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Men watch porn because they get aroused by watching porn. Sexual arousal and porn have some relations. This American study concludes that men don’t lose their feeling by watching porn. Researchers have observed that men who used to watch more porn were more excited to watch very soft porn than men who watched less porn. The study did not find that porn negatively impacted feelings.
The study also finds that porn does not cause erectile dysfunction. Men who watched porn did not experience any impotency problem. Big porn users have more sex drive and stronger sexual responses.
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But some German researchers don’t agree with the conclusion of the American study. Their study show, that those men who watched porn for one and half hour have got less dopamine and fewer dopamine receptors in their brains. They find that dependent on surprising, and extreme, porn needs more and more stimulation to get aroused.
Most of the scientists agree that occasionally watching porn does not harm anybody but addiction to extreme porn kills normal sex life.