Scandinavian has no reason to complain about their penis size

It is hard to find possible to find an evolutionary reason but the truth is men the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden and Norway) have bigger penis than their European neighbor.

A Swedish Plaza Kvinna conducted interviews among female tourists from other European countries in Sweden and Denmark. Those women enjoyed sex with Swedish men. Girls noticed that Scandinavian men have bigger genitals.
The average penis size of Danish men is 15,29 centimeter or 6 inches according to a research conducted by BJU International journal of urology, on 15000 men around the world. This research shows that Danish men have bigger penis than their neighbor Swedish and Germans. But Swedish men have bigger penis than French and English men.
Penis size is measured as erected.

Here is the chart. The chart was made by Swedish urologists. ( In chart Sverige means Sweden, Norge means Norway)
It is true that African and South African men have the longest penis where while Nepalese and North Korean people have the shortest penis. Scandinavians have quite presentable size of penis. Here is a global chart of penis size:

However, all experts do not agree with validity of result.
The Danish multinational company Coloplast is the pioneer of manufacturing penis prosthesis. The manufacture penis prosthesis of size between 14 centimeter to 28 centimeters.
A Danish public hospital Herlev Hospital performs penis implant. The hospital orders penis prosthesis of size average 20 centimeter for Danish men.
Another thing should be noted that Danish and Swedish men don’t have any anxiety about their genitals size. They don’t measure the size. Many men don’t know their size. They are quite satisfied with their penis size.
They seldom complain about their penis size.
Many Scandinavian suffer from erection problem. Farmhouses sell huge viagra. They dont think about their penis size. In Copenhagen, there is the largest sexolog clinic in the North Europe