Sex under corona crisis: What you should do

Sex enhances your immune system which you badly need in this corona crisis time.
When you feel remorse staying home, it is a good idea to have sex if you are living with a permanent partner. Sex helps activate your brain cells. You will feel better and think better. It boosts blood flow in your body which you badly need when you don’t get enough physical movement. But you should know the following:
Coronavirus is probably not sexually transmitted :
It is not known yet. No studies have yet been done to find out whether coronaviruses are present in semen or vagina.
But during the sexual encounter, partners have face to face close contact and they breathe close to one another which is the biggest infection risk. Viruses are highly concentrated in the exhalation air.
Sex does not increase the risk of corona infection:
If you already live with your partner that means you share the same bacteria, viruses and fungi. Sex does not increase the risk of infection.
If there are viruses, these are also found on surfaces of everything home. If one partner is infected the other one is most likely infected.
Sex helps anxiety. When you are in isolation, it is good idea to have sex.
But you should not have sex with a new date or a girlfriend who is not living with you. If one of you is infected the other one will almost definitely be infected during close contact.
It is not a good time to look for a date under the corona crisis. You can use online dating and share your emotions but don’t meet any date until the Corona crisis is over
You don’t infect yourself through masturbation:
You must wash hands and use hand sprit before you play with your penis. Viruses don’t transmit through the penis skin. But if viruses stuck on your penis, those can later come to your hand when you touch the penis during urinating.
What to do with your sex toys now?
You must not share your sex toys to others. It is not a good idea to use sex toys in a group in this situation. Use only your own toys