Top two myths about sex: one of those is almost true

We have heard the story that Mughal Emperor Akbar had 5000 concubines in his harem. He never got tired of having sex because he used deer musk. We heard the story Sultan Mulay Ismail had 1000 children. He could fuck non-stop.
In recent times, you can watch the porno, Kanye West fuck Kim Kardashian for hours. You also can see the extra penis of black guys in porn.
So myths are
1. You need to fuck for a very long time to satisfy women.
2. You need a very very large penis to satisfy women
Are these ideas myths or true?
How long should sex last? Do we need to fuck for a very long time to satisfy women
It remains a myth that a very long sex session is necessary to satisfy a woman.
Do men need a very large penis to satisfy women? This is an eternal question. Humans have solved the mystery of other galaxies but could not find the ideal size of the penis. Men and women are still not unanimously agreed with the ideal penis size.
The biggest sexual myths are undoubtedly sexual stamina and penis size. You will get more than a billion results if you search about sexual stamina and penis size. You will be unable to extract the right answer.
Sexual Stamina:
There are many tales of sex that lasts all night long. There are porn videos that show some celebrities have sex with their female partners for hours but still do not ejaculate while their female partners get multiple orgasms.
There are also stories from ancient times, too. I have earlier mentioned the story of emperor Akbar.
Should we be worried about hearing all those tales? Let us find out.
Studies find many men get orgasms within a couple of minutes of commencing intercourse. But the summary of many studies finds that a median time is 5/6 minutes.
Is it at all necessary to calculate time and duration? Don’t do that. If you do, you would be only stressed. As a result, you will either do not get an erection or get quick ejaculation.
If a man can hold an orgasm for hours, he is sick, unable to get ejaculation. He does not satisfy a woman, just torture her. The premature orgasm is in fact much better than not having an orgasm.
Many people who are worried about their sexual stamina, have a misunderstanding that quick ejaculation reflects poor health. It is true, maybe the opposite.
To get an instant erection is a sign of good health. Premature ejaculation is not a sign of bad health either.
I remember, as a boy, I used to have constant erections without any reason. I had the erection when I swam; I got an erection when I rode a bicycle. When I woke up from sleep, I found the penis erected. Sometimes I got ejaculation only by hugging and kissing a girl.
People may reach orgasm only by touching the penis without being undressed. It can happen if you have not had sex for a long time.
These kinds of problems are very common in early age but it can also happen in your matured age.
If you don’t have regular sex and you watch porn instead, sexual stamina may deteriorate. In the worst case, you may get ejaculation before penetration. If you do not get a sex partner, stopping masturbation is not a good idea. That makes the problem only worse.
In most of the cases, the problem of premature ejaculation is a temporary problem. It does not need any treatment. The solution is to find a sex partner. If you make love a regular basis without having a worry, you will have good sexual stamina.
Penis size:
All of you have heard about this thousand of times. Does size matter? How big penis is too big, how small is too small? People have been asking and answering these questions for decades, maybe for centuries.
Personally, I do not understand why there are so many controversies. Even a child can understand 10 centimeters and 20 centimeters are different lengths and it must make a difference. Different lengths of the size of two things have advantages and disadvantages. In a positive or negative way, size makes a difference.
If you have a small penis, it is not the end of the world. You can use the size optimal. If you have little money, you can somehow survive, but you can not have a cozy life. In the same way, you can perform sex with a small penis but it will be in no way high-quality sex.
Penis size matters a lot. The small size of the penis is not good for many sex positions that feel really good, on both ends of the spectrum. You can not have variations of sex styles and positions with a small penis.
It is hard to satisfy a woman with a small penis. With a large penis, you have much more flexibility in different sex positions. If you have a small penis, you have to depend on very few positions, otherwise, you can not penetrate your penis entirely in a vagina. A large penis does not need to be penetrated completely.
If you have got a small penis, nothing you can do about it. You have to adjust sex positions to have sex.
Maybe penis size does not matter in some cases. Lesbians can satisfy one another without having a penis. For some women, penis size is not important.
People with small penis suffer from an inferiority complex. If you are not satisfied with your genital size, you look for some sort of confidence and comfort. You are not very happy with your small penis. Regardless of how much people try to console you, your doubt is not going away. All the bad feelings you have resulted in bad sex.
Scientists have last year found out, a bigger penis is necessary for better vaginal orgasm. All we thought before was the clitoris orgasm which did not require a big penis. Gordon Gallup, Ph.D., the study leader has concluded that a long penis can feel a vagina better and chances of paternity are also bigger. In my opinion, this study has given more confusion than solution.
The average size is Ok but has some limitations. You cannot, for example, use all sex positions. Some Kamasutra sex positions require a big penis.
Different kinds of Yoga practices and a healthy diet prevent premature erection problem. We can solve other sex-related problems but we can not enlarge our penis.
A small penis is already a problem and if you are fat that makes sex more difficult. If both partners have obesity then sex becomes impossible with a small penis.
If you have a small penis, it is better to find a partner with a small vagina. You can more guidelines here: Penis-Vaginal Size Mismatch during interracial sex
I do not say that you are completely unable to have sex with a small penis. Maybe it will not be high-quality sex.You also need a bigger penis to have variety of sex.