What does age have to do with sex and relationship?

Do you consider age when choosing a sexual partner? Extreme age differences invite social scrutiny, especially for women involved with younger men. This article explains why girls want sex with younger men and the disadvantage of entering such relationships.
Are you eyeing a sexual partner outside your age bracket? Age determines sexual compatibility with your partner. This applies not only to dating sites matches but also to stable relationships. For example, society frowns upon women having a younger sexual partner. While men can date a younger woman, considerable age gaps invite sugar-daddy stereotypes.
Why Girls Love Younger Men
What drives women into the arms of younger men? Is it because they can’t find a sexual partner of their age? A past study sought to determine the experiences of older women with a sexual partner below their age. After asking 55 women why they prefer a younger sexual partner, INRS researcher Dr. Milaine Alarie made the following conclusions.
1. Women want younger men for their sexual stamina. Apart from higher sex drives, the study’s participants believed a sexual partner below their age had dependable erections, lasted longer in bed, and could have sex again shortly afterward. According to the women, their age mates couldn’t match their immense sex appetites.
2. Women believe younger men want a sexual partner who is assertive, active, and confident in bed, traits younger women lack. This is unlike traditional relationships that expect men to have more experience while women remain passive and receptive.
3. Women may be disgusted if a man their age doesn’t want them as a sexual partner. An example is an older man with a sexual partner in her 20s.
4. A woman is more likely to experience orgasms with someone younger since the man is more attentive and generous.
5. Younger men allow their female partners to voice their sexual preferences, even if they’re unconventional. This includes role playing, clitoris stimulation, and cunnilingus.
6. Women are less concerned about conventional beauty standards if a sexual partner is younger. Unlike their younger selves, older women are confident about their bodies. For instance, they can show up in lingerie without worrying about their tummy.
Nasty experiences with girls their age might make men pursue older women. Out of all the girls in their sexual partner calculator, it’s a relief for men to find older women in control of their lives.
What’s wrong with a Sexual Partner Being Younger?
Sex with younger partners might be fun, but it also has disadvantages. For starters, your man may not want to commit. While you may entertain the idea of getting a dog and living together, younger men are in a different development phase. Maybe they’re afraid of love or worried a relationship would steal their freedom.
Biological timelines also pose a challenge. While older ladies want to get pregnant, the man may be too young for fatherhood. Another disadvantage is financial differences. Although some men don’t mind a sexual partner who is more successful, others feel emasculated when they can’t provide.
The same applies to lifestyle differences. Young men may prefer a night out with friends to spending time with you. They value peer connections over being a couple. Worse still, some men might be seeking mother figures instead of equal partners.
Does Age Matter?
Relationships aren’t about following rules. Provided the emotions are mutual, you can find a sexual partner in people you would never have imagined. Aside from age, what defines a sexual partner for you? Please share it with us in the comments section below.