Women are not thinking about orgasm as much you do

You don’t need to be very concerned if you are able to sexually to satisfy a woman. Women are not concerned about sex life as you think. Off course, sex is important for both genders but it is not crucial for a woman
Some new research results are good news for those who are constantly worried if they have enough sex stamina if their penis is big enough to make women happy.
Women are not so worried about their sex life:
But women don’t give so importance to their satisfaction. Several research studies show that the majority of women in sexual relationships do not take sexual satisfaction too seriously even if there is a problem in obtaining sexual pleasure. About 33 to 50 percent of women have problems in their sex life but only 10% of women are concerned about it, according to the study conducted by Life Science
Women are not worried about bad sex because they don’t necessarily have sex for only physical pleasure. Women have sex for different reasons
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One of the reasons is of course pleasure but it is not the main reason. But researches reveal, they want sex for intimacy with their partners and women also want to boost their self-esteem. According to Live science, it is a role they take to make their partners happy.
A research team of the University of Texas conducted has conducted a survey of 200 heterosexual female students about their sexual satisfaction with their boyfriends. They find when girls are tensed and nervous, then intimacy help to get over the poor sex. Sex is a good way to closeness and intimacy. Women don’t really know why they feel sexually attracted to certain types of men.
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Women are more complicated than men:
Researchers are still in a puzzle of what women exactly out of sex. ” Researchers have historically theorized that women’s motives lie in love and commitment, while newer studies have shown they do it for pleasure, just like men.” writes Newsweek .
Their physical and mental state is difficult from men. state, which might help explain why as many as 50 percents of women have trouble getting aroused. Mene have more testosterone they have more desire for sex