You can’t improve sex performance by trying harder, you only make things worse

You need sex for enjoyment. It is not an exam that you have to pass by trying hard. An average man naturally gets satisfied in sex and can make a woman satisfied. You don’t have to be superman to perform sex. If you think that you can enhance the performance by trying hard, you are wrong. Your trying would make things only worse.
Don’t take sex as an exam where you must score high marks. Don’t try hard for a very good result out of sex, If you do, you will fail.
If you think that you have to get a job by hook or crook, your performance of job interviews would be bad. If you take things like a burden on your shoulder, you would be nervous.
Most of the people in this world are average people like you and I. You don’t have to do any extra-ordinary performance in anything, not even in sex. Do things like all others. Many people around the world are doing sex without any theoretical knowledge.
Read this: 7 amazing things about orgasms you didn’t know
Don’t be deterred to watch porn movies. They use exceptional men who have a big penis and long in sex. You don’t have to be one of them. You are fine the way you are. Your penis is normal and your stamina is normal. Don’t let unnecessary fear in your mind.
You don’t need sex books, don’t search Google too much. Just think using your common sense. 7 billion people are having sex another 100 billion had sex before us. They are not better than you
Sex is not a difficult job. Everyone is doing it. Just do it as simple as you eat, go to the bathroom.
Sex would be difficult for you when you want to show extra-ordinary performance. Sex is a psycho-somatic act. If you burden your mind, your body would not respond. If you do, you will either get an inadequate erection or premature ejaculation.
You may become nervous about thinking that girls had probably sex with many men, maybe also with African men. Those men could have a bigger penis and more sexual stamina. Your performance is not good like theirs. you are wrong. Your performance is better theirs
You are going to have sex, You are not going to conquer the world. It is just sex. You can eat food with a knife and fork. Sex is not more difficult than that. Take it easy.
Even if you are not good enough in sex, you cannot improve it trying hard You natural ability is good enough.