You need a big penis only if vaginal orgasm exists

If “vaginal orgasm” exists, the penis size does matter. Doctors can transplant most of the organs, even penises but they still don’t know if there is such a thing as a vaginal orgasm. Urologists are pretty much divided about the existence of vaginal orgasm.
If vaginal orgasm exists:
The psychologist and sexual researcher Stuart Brody and his team conducted research to find out the relationship with the penis size and vaginal orgasm. In his study, 600 women participated. Those women were very sexually active. They had sex with many men and have tried different sex positions. They described that they got better orgasm with a longer penis.
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The research found that women preferred deeper penis penetration in the vagina. Both the size and men’s ability to penetrate contributed to vaginal orgasm. This is the result of the study:

But the good news is that women don’t choose their partners for penis sizes. Women don’t necessarily choose a man with a bigger penis. The sizes of vaginas also differ from woman to woman. Some urologists believe that a woman with a big vagina needs a big penis for sexual stimulation.
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Many urologists believe that there is no such an as a thing “vaginal orgasm” Some studies suggest that “some women have been diagnosed with sexual disorders based on the “myth” that they can orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone” writes ABC Health and Wellbeing.
If vaginal orgasm does not exist:
Then men don’t have to worry about the size of their male organs.
But there is still a catch. Women are fascinated by a big penis. Many studies reveal women become excited to see a big penis.
What is orgasm:
According to the Macquarie Dictionary, an orgasm is “a complex series of responses of the genital organs and skin at the culmination of a sexual act” However, an orgasm can be achieved without the sexual act
It is possible to enlarge your penis a little bit by using natural products. You cannot make your penis double up but you can make 1 inch bigger. 1 inch will certainly boost your self-confidence.